Seafarer SIM Europe 10GB Data Pack 180 Days | International Seafarer SIM Card


SKU: ce4fc45b1f77 Category:


SKU: ce4fc45b1f77 Category:
 Data Pack  Europe 10GB Plan
 Validity*  180 Days
 Pack Price  Rs. 4999
 Speed  4G / LTE
 Voice Calls  As per Voice Tariff Plan
 SMS / Text  As per Tariff Plan
 Top-up Availability  Yes
 Tethering / Hotspot  Yes
 Network  Connect to the best networks in Europe

Works with your Existing SIM

Activation: Once Data Pack is purchased – Please allow up-to 2 hours to be activated

Countries Coverage:

 Austria  French Guyana  Latvia
 Belgium  Germany  Liechtenstein
 Bulgaria  Gibraltar  Lithuania
 Croatia  Greece  Luxembourg
 Cyprus  Guadeloupe  Malta
 Czech Republic  Guernsey  Netherlands
 Denmark  Hungary  Norway
 Estonia  Iceland  Poland
 Finland  Ireland  Portugal
 France  Italy  Reunion
 Romania  Spain  UK
 Slovakia  Sweden  Turkey
 Slovenia  Switzerland